How a threatening feel weeks in December? This question is certainly not easy to answer. And to analyze this feeling musically and ban is almost an insane undertaking. to certify Tomzack madness is probably exaggerated, and yet he dared the experiment and in the winter including one weeks into the studio and tried to strengthen the feeling for it to be recorded.
The winter was cold, long and that's what we hear, "For him there was nowhere a grave with flowers" also. The melancholy and sadness runs slowly through the whole album and eats a place as almost to. The here is not an attempt to force a catharsis in the audience, but the absolute and complete authenticity: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Damonacht. It was recorded long-player without any planning, if not without a plan. Standing up, studio, feeling caught, guitar tune, feeling describe recording. Each song was written in a single day on which the sameness was also mixed and mastered. In order not to distort and to leave a testimony, which is as close as possible to the real, which is approaching the moment existing.
The album is an experiment, which boasts a spherical sounds, the dark one in the Of year carry back. Embrace will reveal the work of a pinch of Pop, the Tomzacks roots. The sparse voice acting used in this paper almost like a mantra, the receiver accepts the hand and leaves him only after the decay of the last play off again. Madness? Insanely good this album is definitely!
review published by the red caterpillar . In the photo: melbourne - in the living room ladies and gentlemen this . james payne: on the organ. what last name for one.
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