Friday, February 25, 2011

Nippil And Genital Tattoos

Review: Leighton Denny Nail Polish

Today there is absolutely overdue Review! Already in October, I brought you here reported by the press event for QVC Rouge Bunny Rouge. At that time I also mentioned that in addition Rouge Bunny Rouge, other brands were represented. Besides philosophy, who presented their Christmas collection, was one of the other brands Leighton Denny. Leighton Denny

The brand is still very new and comes from England. There she is, however, already the leading brand for hand and nail care and can be found in many nail salons. Here in Germany, the brand is sold only as far as I know from QVC.

When we in our Goodiebags a pretty box four were from the paint, we were both small Lacksuchtis, already very happy and were happy to try again. Above all, the paint on the far right has enjoyed direct our attention!

In QVC can be found by Leighton Denny mostly those sets with 2-4 finishes, sometimes combined with nail care products. This set is called here as " Festival Set " proud and costs 39 € for 4 per 12ml paints with content.

The four coatings are called from left to right: "Viva la Diva," "Diamond Diva", "All About Me" and "Rebel."

Here Did I geswatcht four times paints a Nagelrad. The order is the same as above. However, I have between "Diamond Diva" and "All About Me" a little experimenting, how would do "Diamond Diva" as a top coat, and without further ado, a layer of "All About Me" painted. As you can see, the result is quite opaque. I have applied any paint 2x, with the small top coat experiment only one layer per coat.

Since nail wheels are well and good, the paint work still usually applied in a different way, things I have also redone carrying pictures.

Let's begin with the spontaneous favorite: "Rebel"! A brilliant purple with red and blue glow. He makes application simple enough and determined 4-5 days without Überllack. In the photo you see two layers. The color is really eye catching, I was already addressed a few times on it!

"All about Me" is a real Barbie Pink! For this I must really be, but in the mood when the fits, the color makes a really good mood. There is no shimmer, just enough creamy color. Again, I have again applied two layers.

"Viva la Diva" is my second favorite next to "Rebel". A flashy, creamy tomato red, without shimmer, which bangs against my skin color so beautiful. As always: two layers.

with "Diamond Diva" I can not begin to admit that much. I get the association with 80's and Starlight Express just not in my head. As an effect paint over another color paint I feel him as borderline. Maybe I should try it once on a dark paint ... Here I have again applied two layers.

Hm, this is difficult. I think the paint quality really great. They can be easily applied to cover, perfect in two layers and keep good and long. However, it bothers me that they are sold only in sets. If one really appeals to a set, you can access, however, if one is willing to invest just under 10 € per coat. Whether or not they are worth, everyone must decide for themselves. I must be there all shut up: I also buy paint from OPI and Chanel. keep up the High Leighton Denny paints here, however, all!



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