Black Rainbow - such a gloomy album title suggests. Even song titles like Heartless, Storm and save yourself can not expect good. And this is also true for major chords one looks in vain on this release. Moll and sadness, resignation and melancholy, the Aucan have united on this long player. Plastic pathos one looks in vain anyway, for this deep sorrow that was here caught sounds genuine and touching.
achieved with its now third release, the band now also internationally, the recognition they deserve. Three month tour of across Europe are facing the door, renowned music magazines to make comparisons with bands such as Radiohead and Massive Attack.
On Dark Rainbow, an interesting mix of dubstep and breakbeat place again, which is paired with classic rock at its best. Bass and drums, sometimes even analog electronic beat, in a slow pace down the receiver and venture into depths that you get to hear rare. Again and again, this flow is interrupted for a few seconds leaves little time to breathe and then just beats to back onto the handset. Eleven songs without mercy. Synth and guitar provide the finishing touch and create cinematic, melancholic melodies, which in itself grief and Longing wear. Even the singing here is extremely distorted, staggers between the various frequencies and pitches in the opener and the guest vocals by Angela Blurred Kinczly can any body hair stand on end. Towards the end of the album finds this almost a psychedelic touch. Plate, curtains and just let fall - the one created by this publication.
Papay - La Chaleur
Papayas are round and fresh. In this country also difficult to find at least one fruit that tastes really. Papayes album "La Chaleur" is also tubular, tear out voices in and of itself, and attempting a song from the twelve would be a task from which it is better to stay away. Frisch, this plate also. Dynamic and diverse, impulsive and always have a surprise. To find such a band in German land not at present. One hundred percent compliance because Papaye come from France ...
drums, guitar, bass - hard to believe that from these basic ingredients create something that tastes good. The sound is warm and builds up self-feet high walls that suggest everything is gedoubt several times and over-produced. When listening attentively, however, you realize that this wealth by the superior play of the trio Security formed. Sometimes less is more. The absence of song is not really as bass guitar and vocal melodies in them, which complete each of the twelve tracks to perfection. In parts presented here may be of the instrumentalization of the early '90s screamo to be, in part, to put what borders on virtuosity.
Seldom Frene sounded so right and rarely includes a trio of such a force in terms of expression and dynamics.
reviews published by the red caterpillar . In the photo: sleepless in seattle, um wien. in December last year.
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