fact I had even secretly well pleased, since I have many years ago, "Bowling for Columbine" to first saw: look at once in the usa go creak in the supermarket. no rumble toy guns, but so right. we actually found some head shaking and out again. wal-mart or was-mart?
as this anecdote already mentioned: the writer of bricolage is back in hamburg. and so all this is equally quickly run into the review of the band I'm not a gun!
John Tejada is not a blank slate: The America-based DJ and producer has earned in the global techno scene and produces a name come hell. Besides our own publications, he remixed renowned artists of the electronic scene and his label released a range of album after another. You'd think the good John never sleep. Takeshi Nishimoto has learned his trade in Japan, where he grew up and spent every free minute on the guitar. After several years of practice, broken strings and bloody fingers, it moved to Los Angeles, where he stirred up the jazz and improv scene well and has been praised by critics to the skies. It also drew him to Berlin, where he is now set to music films and art installations and never sleeps.
Somehow the two of them but found the time and have come together in order to mix electronic beats with fine classical guitar. This is now twelve years ago and only now have the busy schedule of both a renewed encounter allowed. Solace is an album that oozes professionalism only pretending. Hard to believe that a majority of the tracks was created spontaneously during some jam sessions and other projects. John Tejada's beats are understated and timeless soundscapes, which weigh in perfectly with the minimalist and celestial sounds of the Japanese in line. Solace does not include a show-off their skills in both, but rather shows that less is often more. Even more than the import and production of only the mix has lasted. If I'm Not a Gun to make anything, to one hundred percent. None of the ten tracks included at all a moment that allows criticism - this is just music to an incredibly high level!
on the photo: williamsburg, brooklyn, new york! that's what i call street art. review published by the red caterpillar .
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