Dear Readers and readers!
It is the time of the mysterious stories and myths, legends and customs, the ring in the four weeks before Christmas. It begins a period in which the branches are bare, the world slowly sinks into a winter sleep, the birds will be moved on to warmer areas and quiet life.
The month of November begins with a little bit scary. We'll tell you now a little about horror, pumpkin, and has the spy from Kelheim, the tradition in our area.
On 31/10/2010 you will encounter one or the other child sets in creepy disguise, the stretches you a bag of sweets and threatening calls and a trick, if you decide not for a small sweet Handing out back.
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pumpkin fever |
It's Halloween . A custom which was first celebrated in Ireland and has been retained by the Irishman who emigrated to the United States there and there next to Christmas or Thanksgiving to one of the most important traditions is that there are in the United States.
Whence comes the custom, is still unclear. Many assume, however, that the Celtic tradition -. Pagan origin
Today Halloween is celebrated in style here, too. Since pumpkins are carved from hideous grimaces, then lit with a candle in front of the house door, it will be held parties and it is celebrated. There are pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie and many specialties who have kept in our kitchen collection.
the way, here, we're the "Mystic Journey" - Torch Walk from the castle Count recommend to the Celts
can on 10/31/2010 from 17.30 clock. You at the event in Riedenburg be there and the last counts of Riedenburg - remember Stefling. The Earl died on 31/10/1196
On 11/01/2010 is All Saints and is a public holiday in Catholic Bavaria an institution.
The festival was called "General Memorial Day" was introduced for all the saints, as it was not possible to pay all its own saints day.
The festival was called "General Memorial Day" was introduced for all the saints, as it was not possible to pay all its own saints day.
All Saints is also a public holiday next Bavaria, in Baden-Wuerttemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland , which are characterized mainly Catholic, a fixed date in the calendar.
This is a quiet holiday, that is, may take place on that day no dancing and loud music is prohibited.
at All Saints graves are cleaned and decorated, people gather to worship, stays may be a moment in silent prayer.
A seemingly mythical holiday, which deals with death and its consequences. If you look in old record books, the traditions, we read of purgatory, the eight spirits of souls, the rise these days and go on tour and you can feel when the wind blows over the graves. There are fire kept alive, to warm the cold souls, candles lit to pave the way into the light and much more. Even some one was on the evening before All Saints a little dizzy when he passed a cemetery, because the tombs are in these days of very bright lights.
talk stories from the past by redemption. For, in the days before All Saints Day, the graves are sprinkled with holy water to relieve the suffering of souls who are in purgatory.
All Saints is also a bit of a quiet family gathering, because from near and far come together families to spend some time together.
And it is the time of baking. On St. Wolfgangstag, the day before All Saints is baking day. It is the so-called "spies" or Spend bread or Armeseelenlaiberl called baked.
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Spitzer to enjoy |
These sweet snacks were given to staff earlier, godparents gave it is the sponsored and ordered the extra biscuits at the bakery.
A Memory (name withheld!):
The "Spiteri" had the form of a braid of dough and was up to one meter long.
As the bakers were also businessmen, They set up booths and stands at this time, in which you sold your "Spitzer."
From that time to 1900 had the "spies" no longer be ordered at the bakery.
The tradition of the spy - gift giving was maintained and expanded.
The result was the Spitzlmarkt.
also previously served the "Spitzer" as half a proposal - if the man does his uninvited a "tips" sent and this was accepted by you, this was regarded as a half marriage proposal, would the wife of the man not know was the "Spitzer" immediately returned.
Today will continue the tradition of spy markets Riedenburg and Kelheim . They take place around All Saints are a colorful collection of Fierant and sights. Previously covered the farmers in using clothing or household goods bought, where they were available and even today, many stalls with arts and crafts, household goods and many other oddities, rarities and exciting things are in these markets.
Spitzlmarkt Kelheim |
All Saints is diverse, tranquil and yet so full of life. The stories and legends of those nights are sometimes creepy, sometimes mystical, but always worth a little attention.
How do you celebrate this holiday? Do you have a family tradition?
Have a good time!
The Blogger team at the Tourist district of Kelheim eV
Concise Dictionary of the German superstition vol.1, reprinted Berlin: de Gruyter, 1987 known names;;
Some Kelheimerinnen and Kelheimer with experiences and memories
Roland Roehrich, The Schonwerth reader, ethnographic from the Upper Palatinate in the 19th . century
pictures: Tourism
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