Vierkanttretlager - PENZION KANONIR Actually, all so as always. A young band takes on another demo. From the layout design through to Producers find everything here, we determined independently. Vierkanttretlager have all done it before and again just now. Only this time everything is just a bit different. The first record contract is signed and now the CD's no longer just hand-numbered, but are fresh from the pressing plant.
The young quartet from Husum has still not even the finished school, but sound even as if they had at Jochen thistle Meyer, Dirk von Lowtzow and other veterans of the Hamburg school a few lessons in guitar, lyrics and Kryptik taken. Singer Max Lessmann describes his home and the environment far away from any world-weariness and leaves a lot of space between the lines for reading and for their own interpretation. In classical guitar, bass, drums, singing the constellation is given a wall to which it can lean on, but there is always the more visible component.
Vierkanttretlager play smart and varied indie pop, the adults definitely sounds as if the age would suggest to the identity card of Lords. Was produced this fine debut by none other than Greg Henning, who has worked for the mix of the stars was current board in charge. Vierkanttretlager are probably the offspring of the first generation of Hamburg School. And the legacy they have started with dignity - Hats off!
Antitainment - I knew, there were the more real! Punk is dead and in the hardcore scene cavort only bald tight teens. Assuming even that assumption, then make Antitainment sense, because they take themselves, their socialization and the scene with the fun of cliches. Assuming the antithesis of Antitainment still make sense and have punk and hardcore to a new, innovative level to be related.
Eleven pieces in twenty-three minutes - that screams yes after almost a drawer, yet so simple can not stamp the Frankfurt Quartet. Socialized was obtained by punk and hardcore, but on the "I knew, there were still real!" Find in each piece of synthesizer and keyboard tray, fren partly to give the melodious songs their character. There are oppressive guitar riffs, a brute drumming, which is precisely what you expect from a punk record, and certainly from one that appears on the Hamburg-based penalty. Vocally the whole fluctuates between shouting and chanting and we think from this description that this elements are thrown together to find a common denominator, then one is wrong. Antitainment manages these components to create a sound that, although getting used to but still completely closed in itself.
seen Lyrically, political slogans are parodies and then again taken seriously, common stereotypes mocked and youth centers always a tightrope walk is committed: My so mean? Are still real? Or is that already selling out? Is that criticism or is that the above-mentioned anti-thesis? A solution you can get on the board itself is not presented, and whether Antitainment be aware are disclosed as well as on another paper.
AVERAGE ENGINES - IF BROKE MY ARM DALÍ IT WOULD SOUND LIKE THIS Why Average Engines is make hamburgers music not really a question that can make you or may not! Our own music is to pave a need for the Quartet to make his way through the urban jungle and the dreary gray Sky to offer his forehead. And it is this necessity has been transformed into a crisis and finds expression on their EP "if Dalí broke my arm it would sound like this".
A melancholy mood is spreading to the Hanseatic debut, but one has announced the resignation clear the fight. This plate has a mad drive down and play without the songs at a high pace. True to the motto: even on all fours to get ahead, the five songs in an indie-rock garb presented here. The motor for the fight or flight, the rhythm section that builds up with a beautiful combination of bass and drums an unshakable base structure. Again and again, is screwed to the volume and getting lost in spherical parts, which the melancholy mood of putting it into a cliché-free clothes, but just then breaking again with loud guitar riffs with just these points and to position themselves. If no alternative remains, perhaps not even a concept at this only a thought is wasted. This is also the song that at times sounds like the instructions to hold out underlines again beautiful melodic hinplätschert on. The end
Average engines have offered the Hanseatic city and the small and big problems of life already. The fight is won, although not yet, but with both feet, the quartet is on solid ground.
all reviews appeared in the red bead. In the photo: Sydney in February this year - bottom left: the maker of this blog.